We care about living life.

Harnessing the Power of Nature for Future Generations

One of the key learnings that came out of lockdown, was the healing power of nature and the importance of open spaces. It is widely documented that access to green spaces can provide psychological relaxation and stress alleviation – stimulating and fostering social cohesion and reducing feelings of loneliness.  Furthermore, access to green space provides an incentive for supporting physical activity – an important factor in maintaining health at any age.

Grove Place, our community in Hampshire, is blessed with a 27-acre estate comprising gardens, meadows, bluebell, and woodland walks (as well as bordering the beautiful, wild New Forest).  Recognising the force for good nature plays in aiding mental and physical health, we employ a dedicated team of gardeners at Grove Place to maintain and nurture these cherished outdoor spaces.

One of our recent enterprises included the introduction of a pond and specially designed bug house to our wildlife walk area.  These new additions were created by our gardening team including Maddie, our apprentice gardener, under the guidance and supervision of Head Gardener – Robin Collins.

As well as being important for biodiversity, supporting a huge number of animals, plants, and insects, the pond is a fascinating attraction for visiting grandchildren (demonstrating to them how small changes can result in significant advantages for the greater good).

General Manager, Richard Powell, comments “Being close to nature is good for our heads and our hearts. This latest introduction is an attractive addition to our 27-acre estate, providing a tranquil spot to relax in and observe nature at its finest.”

Head Gardener, Robin, gave an insight into the project, commenting, “I am lucky enough to have the privilege and honour of being a custodian of the grounds of Grove Place for a short time, but with that comes the responsibility of trying to leave it in a better and environmentally healthier state than before. When we created the wildlife walk, my vision was always to have a pond in that area and this year Maddy and I made it an environmental project to do so. It has been great fun to build. To have the chance to create a habitat for frogs, newts, toads, dragonflies and damselflies, water boatman, pond skaters and aquatic beetles … to name just a few of the species we can help by providing this habitat, gives us great pleasure. We take pride in what we have achieved and, importantly, what we leave behind for future generations. Anyone can put a little bit of land aside for a small water feature or wildlife area – nature will find it – and slowly we can all create corridors for nature to colonise and thrive. You too could have hedgehogs, voles, grass snakes, butterflies, solitary bees, bumblebees and numerous invertebrates in your garden. Nature needs our help to survive and thrive and it’s our duty to leave our country a healthier place for future generations. “