We care about living life.

Grove Place Nursing Home

At Grove Place, we are developing a purpose-built nursing home, comprising a specialist nursing and dementia care home, coupled with close care apartments. The proposed accommodation will comprise 30 specialist nursing and dementia bedrooms, along with generous shared communal facilities, stunning landscaped gardens and car parking. The building will also include 20 close care apartments. The mix of accommodation proposed will naturally complement the type of accommodation currently provided in the Village for a more independent lifestyle and will extend the range of continuing care offered at Grove Place.

Our Philosophy

Purpose-built, boutique nursing homes that are smaller and more intimate are key to the well-being of our residents. By offering a real choice we can create truly personalised experiences in vibrant and caring environments. We are committed to providing peace of mind through safe, responsive care monitored by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Make an enquiry or book an

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    Facilities, Amenities, Services


    We know that a short break surrounded by experienced and well-trained staff can help aid your recovery following an illness or operation. More than just outstanding, tailored nursing care, our reflexologist, masseur, chef and hairdresser will take care of what they do best – allowing you to get back to taking care of yourself – we welcome holiday stays.


    Bringing together care and support with independent living and authentic choice – we have found the perfect balance of positive intervention alongside your independence and privacy. Our Activities Manager incorporates inspiring activities into your daily regime – ensuring a friendly approach to care – in a family-orientated home from home.


    Supporting your psychological, physical and spiritual wellbeing – and your family – at this incredibly sensitive and emotional time will always be our key priority. Through expert pain management and advanced care plans we follow the Gold Standards Framework to ensure peace and tranquility – and the highest possible standard of end-of-life care.


    All of our staff receive in-depth dementia awareness training enabling them to help our residents to live life to the full. We welcome relatives and friends to our training, to help them understand why their loved one behaves differently. Somerleigh Court is one of the first homes in Dorset to own the Magic Table, shortlisted for the dementia product of the year 2017.