3. Install user-friendly fittings
Home improvements to make homes safe and comfortable are recommended to enable a stress-free life, free of accidents. These home improvements often have the biggest impact on retirees’ lives. These may include replacing round doorknobs with lever handles, which are easier to grasp, single-handed faucets and bathroom fittings such as a grab bar adjacent to the toilet. Handrails can also be installed close to beds.
Hands-free toilets have automatic washing and drying functions which operate while you are seated. Battery-powered bath lifts support your weight as you get in and out of the bath. There is also the option of baths with side openings, for easy access.
Many older people have difficulty using the stairs with falls being caused by reduced vision, loss of balance or drowsiness. If mobility is an issue, stair lifts may be an option. Everyday appliances such as a hand-held shower may be a better option rather than a fixed one. A foldable seat for the shower will also be a useful addition for those who has difficulty standing up in the shower. A wet room style shower means that you can just walk straight in.
If the entrances to the homes have steps, they may be fitted with ramps to facilitate ease of access for those who have mobility impaired.