We care about living life.

Community and Social Interaction

All residents at LifeCare communities in Battersea Place in London, Somerleigh Court in Dorchester, Dorset and Grove Place in Hampshire benefit from the services of a lifestyle co-ordinator who organises local excursions, talks from visiting speakers on a variety of topics, on-site activities and functions.  Many new residents find their social circle expanding once again, as they have an opportunity to meet and make friends in the comfort of their own home with like-minded, vibrant individuals. With numerous opportunities to socialize; including during meals, leisure experiences and outings, many residents find a restored sense of purpose and joy in their social lives once they move in! One of our residences, Grove Place, and set in the rural Hampshire countryside, is now home to retirees Elaine and Philip Gaussen who made their rightsizing move there to begin the next chapter in their lives and have never looked back. Elaine adds, “We hadn’t realized how strong the Grove Place community was before we arrived. It’s so lovely to have nice friends and neighbours to socialise with. Everyone is so kind, and we feel at home here.”

Like all LifeCare Residences communities, Grove Place provides ample opportunity for residents to meet like-minded people and even get involved in a range of activities and clubs on offer – be it board games, craft, ukulele, cards, falconry, archery, bridge, or music. Rightsizing to a retirement community can give retirees back their independence and a renewed sense of living life on their own terms. Freed from chores, less reliant on family or friends for assistance, and with more time and energy to enjoy meeting new friends and hobbies – many residents feel happier and healthier in their new lifestyle. Indeed, all these opportunities open many doors – so much so, that recently, a couple who met at Grove Place were recently married!

As well as feeling part of a community and relishing the social side of things, the sense of maintaining one’s independence is one of the key drivers for retirees to rightsize to a retirement community. It is reassuring for residents and family members alike to know that a caring team is at hand, 24-hours a day.  All residences operated by LifeCare Residences have guest apartments available for visiting friends and family. Tricia Caffyn and her husband Neville made the move to Grove Place, in the beautiful Hampshire countryside and relish the sense of security that comes with such a supportive community and a sense of newfound independence. They still enjoy running their own lifestyle but with the added knowledge that they can choose between entertaining friends in their apartment for example – or popping out to enjoy a meal at the restaurant with other residents. Tricia comments, “We are still very much in charge of our own routine. Grove Place has enabled us to enter the next stage of our lives with the confidence that our lifestyle doesn’t have to be compromised.”

A resident of award-winning retirement community, Battersea Place in London, Virginia Darbyshire agrees, “I had lived in my last house for about 40 years, and quite simply, it had become too big … I knew I wanted a property that required less maintenance, which would enable me to invest in more time in my interests.” Her daughter Gaby adds, “The transition has been incredibly smooth and it’s reassuring to know that there is help and support on hand should Mum need it. When we first visited Battersea Place, we were impressed with the standard and facilities on offer, and in many ways Mum now has a better quality of life than I do and a busier social life!  It feels a little like a luxury hotel with its pool and restaurant and cinema.”

If you would like to learn more about our offering and how we can enhance the ‘every day’ please call 0800 009 6950. For those who are unable to visit in person, we are also able to offer virtual tours of our communities at your convenience.

‘LifeCare Residences. We care about living life.’