We care about living life.

Oh Christmas Tree, Keep Shining On

Arguably, the premier event of the year at Grove Place is the turning on of the Christmas Tree lights. This year, we purchased a majestic fir tree and positioned it at the front of the manor house – standing tall and proud to welcome guests.

It was a truly magical evening, reminiscent of a wonderful, festive Hallmark movie. One couldn’t help but feel transported into a magical world; the fairy lights sparkling like tiny diamonds, the crisp air filled with the comforting smells of cinnamon, cabernet merlot and the crackling sounds of roasting meat. The team worked around the clock to ensure the event went smoothly and was a huge success.

Residents were able to enjoy a delicious hog roast and various accompaniments prepared by our talented chefs – fresh mince pies, warming mulled wine bubbling over an open fire, sticky marshmallows toasted over the fire pits, live singing from Ricky Zalez and a band. A few mulled wines later, and there were a host of people dancing to the festive music.

Towards the end of the evening, Grove Place’s General Manager, Richard Powell, gave a wonderful speech thanking his team and the residents for making the event so very special. He commented; “Christmas is a magical time at Grove Place and a time when friends and communities come together. Every day I am proud to be part of the vibrant community that is Grove Place”. To conclude his speech, he turned the Christmas tree lights on (as if by magic) with help from Maintenance Manager, Colin, who alongside his team, went above and beyond in transforming Grove Place into a winter wonderland. It truly was a team effort and as one of the residents commented:


“It’s not really Christmas until the lights at the Manor go on!”

LifeCare Residences.  We care about living life.